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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Skip Sex and 9 Other Wacky Ideas to Make Up for DST Lost Sleep | Understanding Summer Depression

Lea Lane is tired! Daylight Saving Time (DST -- also called "Daylight Savings Time") resumed at 2 a.m. Sunday. Clocks moved ahead an hour, allowing for more waking sunlight hours through the summer.

A bit of back story: Europe started DST to conserve fuel during World War I, and many countries now observe a form of "summer time." America adopted the idea from 1918 to 1919 and again in World War II, but now leaves time-change up to state and local governments. Hawaii, American Samoa, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands opted out.

I know, I know. In November we'll readjust the clock for fewer winter daylight hours. But right now, the most important thing in the entire world is to make up for that precious, delicious, much-needed, TRULY IMPORTANT lost hour of sleep!

If desperate to regain that hour, here are 10 compensating strategies for the next few days:

1--Eat dinner in five minutes or less, standing up. Do not use utensils or worry about food groups or calories. Hot dogs in buns are fastest, with onions and sauerkraut for fiber. Spray whipped cream from the can straight into your mouth for a fast and filling dessert. The time you save can be put to sleeping.

2--Do not drink anything after 6 pm. You may be thirsty from the sauerkraut and the whipped cream but you don't want to get up in the middle of the night to pee. To make up for the lost sleep due to DST, you'll need to dry out or hold it in.

3--Put your next day's clothes out, right by your bed. Do not select spandex or items with attached feet, as these take too long. Jumpsuits are fastest. Go commando. Do not bother with socks. Flip flops are easiest. Wear pants with elastic waistbands and tops with zippers. Do a trial run to see if you can dress in under a minute, and if not, drop one more item until you do.

4--Simplify night-time grooming. This routine often takes an hour if you count pimple-popping, toning, moisturizing, admiring yourself in the mirror and prancing around to a song in your head. Do not clip toenails or nose hair. Do not tweeze chin hairs. If you must shower, hop in and out in a minute, multi-tasking by peeing in the shower and exfoliating as you dry off. No shaving or hair washing. As for teeth, do not floss, and unplug the three-minute toothbrush that beeps. Just put some toothpaste on your finger and swipe around for 10 seconds, or chew gum in the shower.

5--Get into your bed an hour earlier, and relax. Do not under any circumstances think of scary things such as the financial crisis, health care, or Karl Rove. Especially do not think of the Eric Massa-Glenn Beck dialogue. You might try counting down, but forget sheep; think in terms of long lists, such as Tiger Wood's girlfriends.

6--Leave the TV off. If possible record the shows you will miss by going to bed early. If you must fall asleep with the TV on, be sure to set the snooze function, which you probably never knew you had; otherwise you might wake up to an infomercial with the Slap Chop man and have terrible nightmares.

7--Skip sex. Lack of grooming will no doubt alleviate that hour-draining activity. I know some of you don't take an hour for sex. Some of you don't even don't partake, in which case you're out of luck and must make up the lost DST hour in the other ways, for sure. Exception: If sex usually takes five minute or less you may indulge, as it results in deeper sleep. But I can offer suggestions for future reference if you PM me.

8--Get deeper sleep from the hours you do have. This may mean taking a sleeping pill to knock you out. Do not take it with water. (See above, no water allowed.) And this is not suggested if you are alone. If the pill doesn't go down be sure your partner knows the Heimlich maneuver.

You can also lower the blinds to keep the light out and tie up the dog or cat so they don't jump on the bed. If your partner snores you can stuff one of those socks you're not wearing in his or her mouth to keep the noise from waking you up. If they stop breathing entirely have the phone right by your bed along with instructions for CPR. This may tire you out and aid in deeper sleep for both, especially for the one suffocated.

9--Skip breakfast. Since you haven't had sex and haven't expended much energy you can sleep through breakfast. (No morning sex, needless to say. This would negate the additional hour gained from no nighttime sex!). If you are famished you can toss dry cereal in your mouth as you dress.

10--Shorten and simplify your morning grooming routine. Do not use that roller to remove dandruff on your clothing. Do not brush your teeth. Skip deodorant. Do not style your hair. Do not shower (even if you have not showered the night before. Not really needed this morning unless you spent the five minutes to have sex.) Most of all, do not sit on the toilet and read until evacuated. Simply hold it in, splash water on your face and strategic areas, gargle with some mouthwash, run your fingers through your hair and jump in your easy-to- put-on clothes.

If you follow these rules you will now be sick to your stomach, dirty, ungroomed, sloppily dressed, constipated, hungry, thirsty and horny. But you will have made up the lost DST hour!

As an alternative, stay in bed a couple of mornings, preferably with a partner, and have some great sex and extra sleep. That's the best way of all to initiate Daylight Saving(s) Time.

resource:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lea-lane/skip-sex-9-other-wacky-id_b_498339.html

Understanding Summer Depression
Symptoms, Causes &Treatment of Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder

This article offers an overview of reverse seasonal affective disorder, the rare summer form of SAD that can signifcantly impact on the lives of sufferers.

Summer depression is a rare variant of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) with a spring onset, affecting sufferers through the lighter, hotter months. It manifests with some symptoms that are the reverse of those suffered in the winter form. It is sometimes referred to as “reverse seasonal affective disorder” or “summer SAD”.

The most common type of SAD is often described as “winter depression”, and includes symptoms such as low mood, oversleeping and increased appetite. These symptoms occur in the autumn and winter months.

Symptoms of Summer Depression
The DSM-IV notes SADs as “specifiers”, seasonal patterns that can occur within major depressive or bipolar disorders. Sufferers of summer SAD may experience some or all of the following symptoms during the spring and summer months:
  • Depression, feelings of hopelessness
  • Loss of interest and/or enjoyment in activities
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Feelings of irritability
  • Feelings of agitation
  • Poor appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Increased sex drive
  • Suicidal thoughts and feelings
These symptoms subside in the fall, reappearing the following spring.

Causes of Summer Depression
Like other types of depression, determining a cause is not straightforward, and clearly more research is needed to better understand this disorder. Winter depression is strongly linked to a lack of sunlight, so it is logical to assume that summer depression may be linked to too much sunlight. Although this may be an important part of the picture, the little research that has been carried out suggests that temperature increases play a much more significant role.

Prevalence of Summer Depression
Summer SAD is thought to affect less than 1% of the US population. These sufferers appear to live in hotter regions and, as is the case with other depressive disorders, they are more likely to be female. It is hard to determine the true number of sufferers and significance of gender variation, as people may feel uncomfortable coming forward. Some may manage their symptoms themselves, without seeking advice.

Treatment for Summer Depression
The symptoms of summer depression may have a significantly negative impact on sufferers’ lives, making it difficult for them to function. As with the causes, there is very little evidence on how best to treat to treat summer SAD, though a few possible treatments have been highlighted by researchers.

Sufferers often attribute their symptoms to the summer heat, reporting relief from symptoms by staying indoors and keeping cool. Some find relief in air-conditioned environments and/or taking regular cold showers.
So far, summer SAD has been shown to respond to antidepressant medication, which helps to elevate mood by altering levels of certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin. These chemicals are strongly linked to mood and have shown to be effective in treating other types of depression, including winter SAD. Since it may take several weeks for antidepressants to kick in, a doctor may suggest beginning a course of medication in the late winter, before the onset of symptoms.

In non-seasonal depression and winter SAD, sticking to a healthy diet, doing regular exercise and accessing talking treatments have all been shown to be helpful, though it is unclear if these will help summer SAD sufferers.

For some self-help strategies, including information on sleep and diet, read Self-help for Summer Depression. Anyone suffering symptoms of summer SAD should seek advice from a qualified health professional.

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