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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to Fall Asleep Fast

Rose here….Tonight I want to talk about how to fall asleep fast. Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Are you tossing and turning thinking about all the things you have to do? Stress is the number one reason why people can’t relax and fall asleep. There are ways you can turn off your mind and learn how to fall asleep fast.

First even before you go to bed you need to get into the mind set to get ready to fall asleep. Having a nightly routine such as taking a warm bath, not a hot bath as your body will have to cool down before you will be able to fall asleep. Have a cup of decaffeinated sleepy time tea or warm glass of milk, but don’t drink too much or you will wake up during the night and have to go to the bathroom only to start the process of falling asleep all over again.

Try some PearlyDreams toothpaste which has natural sleep aid ingredients for instance passion flower extract, valerian, Melatonin and balm mint all known to have relaxing properties that absorb into your system. Melatonin is naturally produced in your pineal gland and will regulate your sleep cycle. Some sleeping disorders are caused just because people don’t produce enough melatonin. There are a few reason why this happens; one as you age melatonin decreases and two if you sleep with a light in your room your body will not produce enough. So if you want to fall asleep fast...lights out.

Make sure your room is as sound proof as possible. If you are traveling sometimes this is hard to do. You might want to consider listening to sleep music, white noise or binaural sound waves. What is white noise? White noise is a neutral sound that will drown out external noises. A white noise machine is relatively inexpensive, but if you can’t afford one a fan or the air conditioner will work just the same.

A self hypnotic tape or CD trains you to relax your entire body by repetitive suggestions and deep breathing. Try this deep breathing exercise; inhale through your nose until you feel you stomach rise, hold for 10 seconds then slowly exhale counting backwards from 8 to 1. Repeat two more times. My self hypnotic tape has a breathing exercise along with other stress relieving exercises I do and before long I am fast asleep. Even though I do not complete the tape my unconscious mind still soaks in all the relaxing, self improvement suggestions. A self hypnotic tape or CD will keep your mind off your problems and will help you relax and fall asleep fast. If you aren’t sure about using hypnosis meditating will work just as well. Concentrate on relaxing your body and lowering your heart rate. I repeat a single word over and over and match it to my breathing which will gradually slow down then eventually my mind will drift off to sleep.

Other suggestions to prepare for sleep try reading, writing or anything that will get your mind off whatever you are stressing about. Make sure you are not in restrictive clothing. Anything that is too tight will not move with you when you turn over. I feel loose fitting pajamas are easier to sleep in than a nightgown that is sometimes tighter around the shoulders and rides up during the night.

How is your mattress? Do you sink to the middle of your bed or do you feel the bed spring? If you can’t afford a new mattress get a Memory Foam Mattress Pad with a terry cloth cover. Why should you make sure you have a terry cloth cover? Memory foam is known to hold into the heat and with a terry cloth cover it will allow more air movement between you and the pad therefore keeping you cooler. Make sure your room temperature is set at 65 degrees or less and make sure you don’t have too many blankets on. Keep your pets out of your room they will only disturb your sleep. Don’t use your bed for anything other than sex and sleeping. You don’t want to watch TV or play video games in bed or it will take you longer to fall asleep…always wondering how to get the bad guy.

Now you are ready for sleep and as you drift off I don’t know if you have ever noticed but your mind will remember your last dream. Even though it is fleeting, it might remind you enough for you to remember more of it. These dreams are called lucid dreams. They are the conscious dreams you have when you are in between a sleep and a wake state. When you are having a hard time falling asleep remind yourself that sleep means lucid dreaming and your subconscious mind will make sure when remembering your dream that you will get to sleep fast. When you wake up in the morning you might want to keep a dream or sleep journal. As time goes by your mind will remember more and more of your dreams. In your journal you can also keep track of how long it takes you to fall asleep and what you did to fall asleep faster.

Lastly if you are like me you love to nap and stay up late and sometimes find yourself up until 3 or 4 in the morning, getting into a terrible sleeping pattern. If you are going to nap, try to have a power nap of 15 or 20 minutes. Not only should you limit your nap time you should keep a bedtime schedule. Make time for your nightly routine and get to bed at a decent hour to get the amount of sleep you need and wake up feeling fresh and rested.
Good Day,
Rose Sheepskill

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