Good Evening everyone. My friend Dr. Narcolepsy is here and we’ve been talking about sleep medicine. Since he owns a sleep center and has specialized employees that treat insomnia, restlessness and other chronic symptoms of sleep problems, he has information on natural sleep medicines. Utilizing herbs, amino acids and minerals creates an effective reliable and safe sleep medicine alternative for those suffering from sleep disorders.
Dr. Narcolepsy asks “How long has it been since you had a really good night sleep? Although many people don’t realize it, the quality of sleep can affect your mood, health and your job. You may feel exhausted, restless, stressed and not productive at work. Your personal and professional relationships may suffer. As we age, our lifestyles and our bodies change (well those of us that are not undead), our quality of sleep can change too. That is why it is necessary to get a sound sleep naturally to maintain optimal health for people of all ages”
“Natural sleep disorder medicine is available without a prescription. As we know prescription sleep aides are narcotics that not only cause a dependency, but can cause other serious side effects. Natural sleep medicine has minimal side effects and you don’t wake up groggy and disoriented that’s associated with prescription drugs.” Dr Narcolepsy said.
“For example,” he continued. “Take LUNESTA, Melatonin, Antihistamines aka Tylenol PM Etc. and compare them for fun... humor me.”
“When taking LUNESTA you may experience:
• unpleasant taste in mouth, dry mouth
• morning drowsiness
• dizziness
• headache
• symptoms of the common cold
• You may still feel drowsy the next day after taking LUNESTA. Do not drive or do other dangerous activities after taking LUNESTA until you feel fully awake.
These are just some of the side effects of LUNESTA. Ask your doctor for more information.
Possible serious side effects of LUNESTA include:
• Getting out of bed while not being fully awake and doing an activity you do not know you are doing.
• Abnormal thoughts and behavior. Symptoms include more outgoing or aggressive behavior than normal, confusion, agitation, hallucinations, worsening of depression, and suicidal thoughts or actions.
• Memory loss
• Anxiety
• Severe allergic reactions. Symptoms include swelling of the tongue or throat, trouble breathing, and nausea and vomiting. Get emergency medical help if you get these symptoms after taking LUNESTA.
• Abuse (taking more than prescribed) amnesia and hallucinations have been reported.
• Addiction. LUNESTA may lead to physical and psychological dependence. The risk of abuse and dependence increases with the dose and duration of treatment.
Melatonin is a hormone secreted from the pineal gland in our brain. It regulates our bodies’ internal clock or circadian rhythm i.e. when it's time to go to sleep and when it's time to wake up.
Melatonin is herbal sleep medicine and probably the most widely prescribed among herbal non prescription sleep aids. Even 15% of pediatricians who prescribe sleep aids for children with insomnia recommend melatonin as a natural pediatric sleep medicine, according to the medical journal Pediatrics (2002).
• Its synthetic form is available in many brands; AVOID natural forms that are basically melatonin derived from animal’s pineal glands due to possible contamination
• Side effects that are common are daytime drowsiness headaches, dizziness, a "heavy-head" feeling, stomach discomfort
• It may interact with common drugs
How do they work? These antihistamines are very popular not just because they are effective for your cough and allergies. You recover faster because the “benefit” of their side effect of prolonged drowsiness “forces” your body to rest and recover. In the same way, you are basically using the drowsiness side effect to get you to sleep
Popular brands are:
• Sominex, Nytol, Tylenol PM, Benadryl
• Unisom, Equate
Common side effects:
• Prolonged drowsiness or hangover effect that impairs driving, etc
• Dizziness
• Fatigue
• Headaches
• Reduced alertness
• Vomiting
Racing heartbeat and constipation are also becoming frequent complaints in this group of non prescription sleep aids.
However, there are certain groups of people who cannot use the antihistamines as a non prescription sleep aid. As with any medication, they are not for pregnant or nursing women due to unknown risk of drug transfer to the fetus and young infant on mother’s milk.
You are advised against taking Sominex, Nytol if you have:
• Heart problems
• Glaucoma
• Enlarged Prostate
Unisom, you can’t even take them if you’ve got asthma or bronchitis.
Other precautions when you take the antihistamines.
Avoid alcohol. It increases the sedative effects of the pills. Even a small amount of alcohol combined with sleep aids can make you feel dizzy, confused or faint.
Never mix with a sleeping pill, sedative, tranquilizer, or another antihistamine. This could lead to dangerous drug-drug interaction outcomes.”
“As you can see this is a very good reason the undead came out of the coffin and started drinking synthetic blood, a lot of human blood is contaminated with chemicals and diseases.” The doctor stated.
“Natural sleep aides not only treat insomnia, restlessness, light sleep or frequent waking it also helps with jet lag.
Other herbs and minerals that aid sleep are:
Hops Herb has been known to be beneficial in the treatment of insomnia and sleep disorders because of its calming effect. Hops herb helps the body with pain and insomnia. Hops are rich in nutrients that nourish the nervous system.
Passion Flower which increases the level of a neurotransmitter known as gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA). And decreases the activity of nerve cells in the brain which helps the brain to relax. With total relaxation during sleep, GABA promotes re-energization. It helps with the release of growth hormone (which is responsible for repair of the body) and allows you to feel rested and alert upon waking.
L-Theanine helps with the production of alpha brain waves, which help promote deep relaxation in the body. In addition, it is also responsible for producing mental alterness. The natural ingredient helps increase dopamine in the body, and has been shown to be helpful in enhancing memory, enhancing learning ability and helping high blood pressure return to normal. It successfully allows for an increase in focus and concentration, while promoting relaxation.
Chamomile It’s one of nature’s oldest herbal sleep aid used for centuries. It is best known as one of the gentlest non prescription sleep aids around. The active ingredients are chrysin and apigenin, believed to reduce restlessness helping one feel more relaxed and more prepared to sleep.
Valerian is a plant; its active ingredient is still unclear therefore how it works is unclear too. Valerian appears to increase the body's available supply of the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). It’s generally thought to help reduce the time to get to sleep.
Valerian is less effective than prescription sleep medication. One possible advantage of valerian, however, is that it does not seem to cause as much of a "hangover" effect the next day. Also, people taking sleeping pills sometimes have a temporary worsening of insomnia when they are discontinued (rebound insomnia), an effect that hasn't been reported with valerian”.
“Most of the times, getting to sleep can be solved by listening to some soft music and a glass of warm blood (I mean milk or wine) and a hot bath. But for those with a sleep disorder a natural sleep medicine should help you get to sleep without the worry of dependency or serious side effects.” Dr Narcolepsy concluded.
“Thank you Dr Narcolepsy that was very informative and since the sun is rising, I must say good day until we meet again.”
Rose Sheepskill
Countess Rose Sheepskill talks about Sleep Disorders, Sleep Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Sleep Medicine, Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Problems and Sleep Centers. Rose doesn't have to count sheep, she has them for a nightly snack. Join her and her friend Count Narcolepsy for tales about the dark side. Good Evening.
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Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sleep Study
Hello, Tonight I want to talk about sleep study or a polysomnography sleep study (PSG). To get a PSG you must be tested at a sleep study clinic. Sleep study clinics have a polysomnogram that records data while you sleep by attaching electronic transmitters to your face and scalp. The recordings or sleep study scoring will determine if you have a sleep disorder.
There are four types of sleep disorder study:
1. Diagnostic Overnight PSG; Study of sleep by brain wave, eye movement and number of arousals, etc. to determine the amount of non-REM and REM sleep. This sleeping study also monitors body functions including breathing patterns, oxygen levels, heart rhythms and leg/arm movements.
2. Diagnostic Daytime Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) This sleep research study diagnoses narcolepsy and measures restlessness, sleepiness during the hours you are awake. This study of sleep is usually done after a PSG test and will conclude if you fall asleep easily during the day and monitors how often you enter REM sleep.
3. Two-night Evaluation PSG and CPAP Titration; a sleep apnea study CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure involves using a specially designed nasal mask that evaluates the delivery of air into the airways. The first night is general monitoring to determine if you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The OSA sleep study will show if you stop breathing during your sleep. The second night is required to see if CPAP pressure will alleviate apnea.
4. Split-night PSG with CPAP Titration; Instead of two consecutive nights this test splits one night in half. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea with the first half of the study then the second have they will use the mask to determine the CPAP pressure required to lessen your sleep apnea.
When you arrive at the sleep center you will be assigned a private room that may appear to look like a bedroom. It will have a nice bed, coffin or a coffin couch. (which I prefer) This room is a central monitoring area where technicians will record and analyzes you while you sleep. There you will be hooked up to the monitor. Electrodes will be attached to your face and scalp so that your electrical signals will be sent to the measuring equipment. An Oximeter will be put on your finger to calculate the oxygen level in your blood and a strap will be placed around your chest to measure your breathing. All the machines and wirers may look intimidating and uncomfortable, but most patients fall asleep without any problems.
There are other tests and scoring sleeping studies such as:
• EEG (electroencephalogram) to measure and record brain wave activity.
• EMG (electromyogram) to record muscle activity such as face twitches, teeth grinding, and leg movements. It also helps in determining the presence of REM stage sleep.
• EOG (electro-oculogram) to record eye movements. These movements are important in determining the different sleep stages, particularly REM stage sleep.
• EKG (electrocardiogram) to record heart rate and rhythm.
• Nasal Airflow Sensor to record airflow.
• Snore Microphone to record snoring activity.
Other sleep studies are the MSLT test or multiple sleep latency test which evaluates how long it takes you to fall asleep and the MWT test or multiple wake test that measures whether you can stay awake during your normal waking hours.
Sometimes you may have shift work sleep disorder and your internal clock or circadian rhythm is causing you to become restless during the day. A home sleep study test called Actigraphy, a device that looks like a watch, will assess your movement during night and day. It will help your doctor to determine what times during the day you are active and what times you are sleeping. Aren't most of us sleeping during the day?
Before you have a sleep study test your doctor may ask you to keep a sleep diary for 1 or 2 weeks. Try to adhere to your normal routine for a more accurate record. 2 or 3 days before the test do not take any naps, stop taking any drugs such as sleeping aides, don’t drink or eat anything with caffeine.
On the day of the test take a shower but do not put anything is your hair like hair spray or hair gel. Some of the test equipment will be attached to your face and fingers so no makeup, fingernail polish or fake nails. Pack a small sleepover bag; bring a book, pjs, dirt or your favorite pillow if you like.
All pertinent forms should be completed prior to the sleep study test day. Make sure you complete and answer all answers honestly this will help your doctor to diagnosis your sleep disorder accurately. And above all else ask questions and discuss concerns with your doctor.
Sleep studies are usually done at a sleep clinic and your results should be available within 1-2 weeks. Depending on the diagnosis your results may be sent to your family physician, a neuorologist or a doctor that specializes in sleep disorders. I don't know about you, but all this boring sleep study talk is making me tired.
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sleep Insomnia
Good Evening, Rose Sheepskill here. We have a special treat for you this evening; I have had an unexpected visit from Hungry, Dr. Luke Sleepwalker and his lovely wife Natasha. Dr. Luke Sleepwalker is a noted sleep disorder physician. He treats those with chronic disorders including his wife, Natasha. 200 years ago Natasha was turned when she was afflicted by the sleep disorder, insomnia. Since she became a vamp her disorder followed her even though she is dead. Now being a vamp with insomnia can be a chronic disorder, because there is not much you can do when you are in a box for 8-12 hours. “Right, Natasha?”
“Rose, so very true, some days are extremely rough to get through.” Said Natasha “Do you mind if the Doctor and I tell your audience what insomnia is and the causes individuals experience?”
“No, please go right ahead …the crypt is yours”
“Insomnia is the observation or complaint of insufficient or inconsistent sleep due to one or more of the following:
• Difficulty falling asleep
• Waking up frequently
• Waking up too early in the evening (before sunset)
• Restless sleep
Insomnia is not identified by the number of hours of sleep a person gets or how long it takes for a person to fall asleep because individuals need for sleep vary. Insomnia may cause problems during your waking hours such as tiredness, lack of energy, struggle with concentration and irritability.”
“Insomnia can be divided among a few types; transient or short term, intermittent or on and off insomnia and chronic or constant. Transient can last from a single night to a few weeks, while intermittent only occurs from time to time and chronic arises most days or nights depending if the patient is alive or undead like Natasha.” Dr. Luke Sleepwalker said.
“There are certain conditions that cause insomnia more likely in individuals. Some examples of these conditions include; those over the age of 60, female gender and medical history. Medical history conditions that cause insomnia are; depression, stress, anxiety, a medical problem or certain medications. Transient and intermittent insomnia generally transpire in people due to stress, noise, extreme temperatures, changes in environment (not sleeping in your own casket), sleep/wake schedules (like jet lag) or medication side effects.
Now chronic insomnia, like Natasha’s is more complex and results from a combination of factors including underlying physical or mental disorders. Most common is depression while other causes have been known to consist of acute arthritis, kidney disease, heart failure, asthma, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, Parkinson disease and hyperthyroidism. Natasha was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and is treated with taking a thyroid hormone pill (Levothyroxine) once a day, preferably when she first wakes up. Before she was diagnosed she also experienced stress, once treatment started both conditions became controllable and now she can get a good days sleep.
Some behavioral factors might cause chronic insomnia and they are; caffeine, alcohol, drugs, work schedules and chronic stress. Other behaviors that perpetuate insomnia are just plan worrying, taking naps and disruptive sleep schedules. If individuals would stop these behaviors they may eliminate insomnia altogether.” Dr. Luke Skywalker suggested.
“Insomnia is found in both genders, all age groups but seems to be most common in females, especially females that are older and post menopause. My patients are evaluated with the help of their medical back ground and sleep history. Their sleep history may be attained by a daily journal or an interview with their partner. Specialized sleep studies by sleeping overnight (or over day) at a sleep clinic may be recommended.
The treatments I recommend for transient and intermittent insomnia may be controlled without medication but only with changes in lifestyles. However, those that experience restless awake hours can use short-acting prescription sleeping pills to improve their alertness. Remember over the counter sleep medications have some risks and side effects and not usually recommended for the treatment of insomnia.” Dr. Luke Sleepwalker concluded.
Sleep Aides,
Sleep Disorders,
Sleep Insomnia
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sleep Center
Rose Sheepskin here…usually I do the articles, but my friend Count Narcolepsy owns a sleep center and insisted writing about it. (I will edit it when he is done) His sleep center is just outside of my town of Brasso in Transylvania and its called Narcolepsy Sleep Center. Originality is not one of his strong suits. Not surprisingly the only difference with his sleep center compared to others is his is only open at night. So without further adieu may I present Count Narcolepsy……
Good Evening, tonight I wish to talk about my sleep center, what services we offer and treatments for the sleep impaired. We have specialized sleep labs and clinics to diagnose, treat and support those with sleep disorders. Our clinics provide diagnosis, medical, pharmacological and behavioral treatments and follow-up services integrated with management care.
Some of the sleep disorders we treat are:
• Insomnia …nothing like some nice fresh dirt wouldn’t cure
• Sleep Apnea….Rose has already posted her opinions about this
• Restless Legs Syndrome…..I still use the 15th Century bloodletting for this disorder
• Night Terrors……Now if we didn’t have Night Terrors there wouldn’t be any Horror flicks something I am particularly engrossed over. They are sooo entertaining. Ones person’s nightmare is another person’s dream
• Sleepwalking…now if you have a sleepwalker make sure you lock your windows and doors. Wouldn’t want anyone to get out during the night….or anyone in either ????
My center is staffed with pulmonologists, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners and oral specialist. Our services include overnight sleep studies and home studies.
The overnight sleep studies include:
• EEG (electroencephalogram) – monitors brain activity to document sleep stages
• EOG (electrooculogram) – measures eye movement
• EMG (electromyogram) – measures muscle activity for monitoring muscle tone as well as body movement, especially limbs
• EKG (electrocardiogram) – monitors heart activity
• Respiratory Airflow – measures airflow from nose and mouth to document respiratory disturbances
• Respiratory Effort – monitors chest wall and abdominal movement to help determine specific respiratory disturbances
• Pulse oximetry – measures the oxygen saturation level to distinguish changes during respiratory events
• Snoring – monitors vibration of throat to determine snoring episodes (don't say throat!)
• Body Position – monitors the effect of sleep position on sleep and breathing
• Other parameters as determined by physician
During a sleep study, the technologist (or myself) is in constant video and audio contact with the patient, providing a safe, supportive surroundings with minimal apprehension. Our suites have been designed to promote a relaxing atmosphere and a pleasant patient experience without garlic, crosses or stakes. We offer full-size coffins, private bathrooms and a light breakfast (raw meat or fresh road kill) so that patients can undergo a full sleep diagnostic procedure, wake up and start the night with minimal disruption to their unlives.
The home studies are for those with obstructive sleep apnea and they have to meet a certain criteria including coverage from their insurance company. The criteria are as follows (my patients don't meet this criteria, but you might..for now):
• Patients with a high pre-test probability of moderate to severe OSA.
• Patients with no significant co-morbid medical condition. Examples of co-morbid conditions include moderate-severe pulmonary diseases (cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, active asthma, COPD), congestive heart failure and neuromuscular diseases (ALS, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease).
• Patients suspected of having no co-morbid sleep disorder other than OSA.
• Patients unable to be studied in a sleep laboratory.
• To monitor response to non-CPAP treatments after the diagnosis has already been made.
• The AASM recommended that HST is not appropriate for general screening of asymptomatic patients.
The most important and most difficult part of our program at Narcolepsy Sleep Center is the long- term support of employees. Our counselors can quickly resolve any problems to increase the likelihood that patients accept their treatment and learn to successfully manage their sleep disorder, because they have to unlive with them for eternity.
Thanks Count Narcolepsy
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill
Good Evening, tonight I wish to talk about my sleep center, what services we offer and treatments for the sleep impaired. We have specialized sleep labs and clinics to diagnose, treat and support those with sleep disorders. Our clinics provide diagnosis, medical, pharmacological and behavioral treatments and follow-up services integrated with management care.
Some of the sleep disorders we treat are:
• Insomnia …nothing like some nice fresh dirt wouldn’t cure
• Sleep Apnea….Rose has already posted her opinions about this
• Restless Legs Syndrome…..I still use the 15th Century bloodletting for this disorder
• Night Terrors……Now if we didn’t have Night Terrors there wouldn’t be any Horror flicks something I am particularly engrossed over. They are sooo entertaining. Ones person’s nightmare is another person’s dream
• Sleepwalking…now if you have a sleepwalker make sure you lock your windows and doors. Wouldn’t want anyone to get out during the night….or anyone in either ????
My center is staffed with pulmonologists, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners and oral specialist. Our services include overnight sleep studies and home studies.
The overnight sleep studies include:
• EEG (electroencephalogram) – monitors brain activity to document sleep stages
• EOG (electrooculogram) – measures eye movement
• EMG (electromyogram) – measures muscle activity for monitoring muscle tone as well as body movement, especially limbs
• EKG (electrocardiogram) – monitors heart activity
• Respiratory Airflow – measures airflow from nose and mouth to document respiratory disturbances
• Respiratory Effort – monitors chest wall and abdominal movement to help determine specific respiratory disturbances
• Pulse oximetry – measures the oxygen saturation level to distinguish changes during respiratory events
• Snoring – monitors vibration of throat to determine snoring episodes (don't say throat!)
• Body Position – monitors the effect of sleep position on sleep and breathing
• Other parameters as determined by physician
During a sleep study, the technologist (or myself) is in constant video and audio contact with the patient, providing a safe, supportive surroundings with minimal apprehension. Our suites have been designed to promote a relaxing atmosphere and a pleasant patient experience without garlic, crosses or stakes. We offer full-size coffins, private bathrooms and a light breakfast (raw meat or fresh road kill) so that patients can undergo a full sleep diagnostic procedure, wake up and start the night with minimal disruption to their unlives.
The home studies are for those with obstructive sleep apnea and they have to meet a certain criteria including coverage from their insurance company. The criteria are as follows (my patients don't meet this criteria, but you might..for now):
• Patients with a high pre-test probability of moderate to severe OSA.
• Patients with no significant co-morbid medical condition. Examples of co-morbid conditions include moderate-severe pulmonary diseases (cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, active asthma, COPD), congestive heart failure and neuromuscular diseases (ALS, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease).
• Patients suspected of having no co-morbid sleep disorder other than OSA.
• Patients unable to be studied in a sleep laboratory.
• To monitor response to non-CPAP treatments after the diagnosis has already been made.
• The AASM recommended that HST is not appropriate for general screening of asymptomatic patients.
The most important and most difficult part of our program at Narcolepsy Sleep Center is the long- term support of employees. Our counselors can quickly resolve any problems to increase the likelihood that patients accept their treatment and learn to successfully manage their sleep disorder, because they have to unlive with them for eternity.
Thanks Count Narcolepsy
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill
Thursday, June 11, 2009
REM Sleep
Today we know our brains are very active during sleep, that sleep affects our daily functioning and our physical and mental health. Neurotransmitters or nerve-signaling chemicals control how we are awake or asleep by acting on different nerve cells, or neurons, in the brain. A chemical, adenosine also builds up in our blood stream while we are awake and causes drowsiness. Adenosine gradually breaks down while we are asleep.
While we sleep we pass through five phases of sleep; 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM. REM means rapid eye movement. 50 percent of our sleep is in stage 2, about 20 percent in REM sleep and the remaining 30 percent in the other stages.
Stage 1 which is the light sleep where we drift in and out of sleep and can wake easily. Our eyes move very slowly and muscle activity slows down.
Stage 2 our eye movements stop and our brain waves become slower with occasional bursts or rapid waves called sleep spindles.
Stage 3 we experience very slow brain waves called delta waves which appear, interspersed with smaller, faster waves.
Stage 4 our brain produces delta waves almost exclusively and it is very hard to wake someone. This is also known as deep sleep because there is no eye movement or muscle activity.
REM sleep, our breathing becomes more rapid, our eyes move rapidly in various directions and our limb muscles become temporarily paralyzed. Our heart rate increases, our blood pressure rises and if we are awaken, we often remember our REM sleep dreams.
Since sleep and being wake are affected by different neurotransmitter signals in the brain, foods and medicines can alter the balance of these signals and have an effect on how well we sleep. Caffeinated drinks, diet pills and decongestants stimulate some parts of the brain and can cause REM sleep disorder such as insomnia, or an inability to sleep. Many antidepressants suppress REM sleep and cause REM sleep deprivation.
Alcohol will help people fall asleep, but they fall into stage 1 and are robbed of the other stages and will also have no REM sleep. Alcohol abuse can also cause REM sleep behavior disorder which is characterized by the acting out of dreams that are vivid, intense, and violent. Dream-enacting behaviors include talking, yelling, punching, kicking, sitting, jumping from bed, arm flailing, and grabbing.
Non REM sleep one night and our brain will try to catch up with this stage the next time we fall asleep causing us to go through extended periods of REM sleep. This causes us to be restless the next day because we lost stages 3 and 4, the deep sleep cycles.
When you are under anesthesia or in a coma it is often said you are asleep, but under these conditions you cannot be awakened and you do not produce complex, active brain wave patterns seen in normal sleep.
Sleep and sleep-related disorders can create medical problems such as; stroke, diabetes, obesity, perhaps due to changes in our hormones, heart rate, and other traits associated with sleep. Once sleeping problems develop, they can add to a person's impairment and cause confusion, frustration, or depression. If you feel you have these sleep disorder symptoms see your doctor to talk about available treatments. In the meantime follow these tips for a better night sleep;
• improving your daytime habits
• creating a better sleep environment
• avoiding food and drink that might interfere with sleep
• developing a good bedtime routine
Studies have shown that better REM sleep helps boost your mood during the day. How can you get more REM sleep? One simple way is to try to sleep a little more in the morning. As your sleep cycles through the night, it starts with longer periods of deep sleep. By the morning, the REM sleep stage is longer. Try sleeping an extra half hour to hour and see if your mood improves.
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill
While we sleep we pass through five phases of sleep; 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM. REM means rapid eye movement. 50 percent of our sleep is in stage 2, about 20 percent in REM sleep and the remaining 30 percent in the other stages.
Stage 1 which is the light sleep where we drift in and out of sleep and can wake easily. Our eyes move very slowly and muscle activity slows down.
Stage 2 our eye movements stop and our brain waves become slower with occasional bursts or rapid waves called sleep spindles.
Stage 3 we experience very slow brain waves called delta waves which appear, interspersed with smaller, faster waves.
Stage 4 our brain produces delta waves almost exclusively and it is very hard to wake someone. This is also known as deep sleep because there is no eye movement or muscle activity.
REM sleep, our breathing becomes more rapid, our eyes move rapidly in various directions and our limb muscles become temporarily paralyzed. Our heart rate increases, our blood pressure rises and if we are awaken, we often remember our REM sleep dreams.
Since sleep and being wake are affected by different neurotransmitter signals in the brain, foods and medicines can alter the balance of these signals and have an effect on how well we sleep. Caffeinated drinks, diet pills and decongestants stimulate some parts of the brain and can cause REM sleep disorder such as insomnia, or an inability to sleep. Many antidepressants suppress REM sleep and cause REM sleep deprivation.
Alcohol will help people fall asleep, but they fall into stage 1 and are robbed of the other stages and will also have no REM sleep. Alcohol abuse can also cause REM sleep behavior disorder which is characterized by the acting out of dreams that are vivid, intense, and violent. Dream-enacting behaviors include talking, yelling, punching, kicking, sitting, jumping from bed, arm flailing, and grabbing.
Non REM sleep one night and our brain will try to catch up with this stage the next time we fall asleep causing us to go through extended periods of REM sleep. This causes us to be restless the next day because we lost stages 3 and 4, the deep sleep cycles.
When you are under anesthesia or in a coma it is often said you are asleep, but under these conditions you cannot be awakened and you do not produce complex, active brain wave patterns seen in normal sleep.
Sleep and sleep-related disorders can create medical problems such as; stroke, diabetes, obesity, perhaps due to changes in our hormones, heart rate, and other traits associated with sleep. Once sleeping problems develop, they can add to a person's impairment and cause confusion, frustration, or depression. If you feel you have these sleep disorder symptoms see your doctor to talk about available treatments. In the meantime follow these tips for a better night sleep;
• improving your daytime habits
• creating a better sleep environment
• avoiding food and drink that might interfere with sleep
• developing a good bedtime routine
Studies have shown that better REM sleep helps boost your mood during the day. How can you get more REM sleep? One simple way is to try to sleep a little more in the morning. As your sleep cycles through the night, it starts with longer periods of deep sleep. By the morning, the REM sleep stage is longer. Try sleeping an extra half hour to hour and see if your mood improves.
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sleep | Sleep Aides Welcomes You | Goes Online
AHHH....Sleep. For some of us it is difficult to fall asleep. Over time man has tried different beds; stone, hay, wood, metal, a spring mattress or like me, a casket full of Transylvania dirt. We've been walked, talked, squawked (sung to), rocked and socked to get to sleep. If we still can't sleep we finally buy sleep aides to help In the following 1953 Disney video, Goofy tries an electric blanket, warm milk, counting sheep, comforting music, a yawn inducing picture, anti-snoring chin strap and other sleep aide devices.
This blog will hopefully offer some modern sleep aides, discuss sleep disorders and problems such as sleep apnea, sleep deprivation and insomnia. I'll talk about treatments like CPAP sleep apnea devices, sleep apnea remedies, sleep music, prescription and over the counter meditation, massage, diets and available sleep clinics.
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill
If any one has stories about how they get to sleep or not, please leave a comment or send me an email at
This blog will hopefully offer some modern sleep aides, discuss sleep disorders and problems such as sleep apnea, sleep deprivation and insomnia. I'll talk about treatments like CPAP sleep apnea devices, sleep apnea remedies, sleep music, prescription and over the counter meditation, massage, diets and available sleep clinics.
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill
If any one has stories about how they get to sleep or not, please leave a comment or send me an email at
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sleep Disorders
Are you sleepy, very sleepy? If you don’t get enough sleep you could be susceptible to a number of chronic diseases and medical conditions, such as obesity, depression, heart diseases and diabetes. Lack of sleep is being recognized as a crucial aspect of chronic disease prevention and health support.
How much sleep you get the night before will determine how you feel and perform during the day. If you find yourself falling asleep during the day due to little to no sleep getting more will improve your quality of life, but how much sleep should you get? Sleep varies from person to person and changes as you age.
Sleep guidelines for different age groups: (5 & under include naps)
Birth – 2 months 10.5 to 18 hours
2 – 12 months 14 to 15 hours
12-18 months 13 to 15 hours
18 months – 3yrs 12 to 14 hours
3yrs – 5 yrs 11 to 13 hours
5yrs – 12 yrs 9 to 11 hours
12yrs – 18yrs 8.5 to 9.5 hours
18 and up 7 to 9 hours
To support and encourage healthy sleep follow these tips:
1. Go to bed at the same time and rise at the same time
2. Sleep in a quiet, dark room that’s not hot or cold
3. Use your bed only for sleeping and get comfortable soft bed linens
4. Remove all gadgets from your bedroom
5. Unwind a few hours before bedtime
6. No big meals prior to bedtime
Sleep Disorders
Sleep-related difficulties affect many people. Types of sleep disorders include:
- Adjustment Insomnia
- Advanced Sleep Phase
- Bedwetting
- Behavioral Insomnia of Childhood
- Central Sleep Apnea
- Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder Due to Drug or Substance
- Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder Due to Medical Condition
- Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, Other
- Confusional Arousals
- Congenital Central Alveolar Hypoventilation Syndrome
- Delayed Sleep Phase
- Dissociative Disorders
- Eating Disorder
- Environmental Sleep Disorder
- Excessive Fragmentary Myoclonus
- Exploding Head Syndrome
- Free-Running (Nonentrained) Type
- Grinding Teeth (Bruxism)
- Groaning
- Hallucinations
- Hypersomnia Due to Drug or Substance
- Hypersomnia Due to Medical Condition
- Hypoventilation/Hypoxemia Due to Lower Airways Obstruction
- Hypoventilation/Hypoxemia Due to Neuromuscular and Chest Wall Disorders
- Hypoventilation/Hypoxemia Due to Pulmonary Parenchymal or Vascular Pathology
- Idiopathic Hypersomnia with Long Sleep Time
- Idiopathic Hypersomnia without Long Sleep Time
- Idiopathic Insomnia
- Inadequate Sleep Hygiene
- Insomnia
- Insomnia Due to Drug or Substance
- Insomnia Due to Medical Condition
- Insomnia Due to Mental Disorder
- Insomnia Nonorganic, Unspecified
- Insomnia Organic, Unspecified
- Insufficient Sleep Syndrome
- Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm
- Jet Lag
- Leg Cramps
- Long Sleeper
- Movement Disorder Due to Drug or Substance
- Movement Disorder Due to Medical Condition
- Movement Disorder, Unspecified
- Narcolepsy
- Narcolepsy Due to Medical Condition
- Narcolepsy, Unspecified
- Nightmares
- Non-Obstructive Alveolar Hypoventilation, Idiopathic
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children
- Paradoxical Insomnia
- Parasomnia Due to Drug, Substance or Medical Condition
- Periodic Limb Movements
- Primary Sleep Apnea of Infancy
- Propriospinal Myoclonus of Sleep Onset
- Psychophysiological Insomnia
- Recurrent Hypersomnia
- REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
- Restless Legs
- Rhythmic Movement
- Shift Work
- Short Sleeper
- Sleep Apnea/Sleep Related Breathing Disorder, Unspecified
- Sleep Paralysis
- Sleep Starts
- Sleep Talking
- Sleep Terrors
- Sleepwalking
- Snoring
If you or someone you know is experiencing a sleep disorder, it may be important to receive a consultation by a specialized physician to review your symptoms and determine which sleep disorder treatment is best for you.
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill
Sleep Apnea
What is sleep apnea?
It is a common disorder in which you have one or more shallow breaths or breathing pauses that last from seconds to minutes. Occurring often 5 to 30 times more an hour and usually with a loud snort or choking sound normal breathing starts again.
Sleep apnea is ongoing and will disrupt your sleep three or more nights per week. You will sleep deeply then into a light sleep when you’re breathing becomes shallow or pauses resulting in sleepless nights and restless days.
Usually doctors can’t detect sleep apnea symptoms and often it will go undiagnosed because people don’t know they have it because it only happens during sleep. Usually a family member or partner will be the only ones who will notice the signs of sleep apnea.
Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type which means the airway has collapsed or is blocked during sleep causing the shallow breathing or breathing pauses. When you try to breathe the air is squeezed past the blockage causing you to snore. Statistically sleep apnea has an effect on people that are overweight, but anyone can be affected. There is even sleep apnea in children.
A less common type of sleep apnea is central sleep apnea caused by your brain not sending the correct signals to your breathing muscles. Your brain forgets to tell your lungs to breathe for brief period of time. Central sleep apnea and obstructive can occur together or alone and snoring usually doesn’t happen with central sleep apnea.
If sleep apnea goes untreated it can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Increase the risk for/or worsen heart failure, make irregular heartbeats more likely and increase the chance to have a diving accident.
People have tried mouthpieces, surgery, sleep apnea devices, a sleep apnea pillow and changed their lifestyle to treat sleep apnea. A changed lifestyle is necessary to treat obstructive sleep apnea because it can be very serious. Sleep apnea treatment relieves sleepless nights and tiredness during the day. It also may lessen the development of high blood pressure, heart disease and other health problems.
See your doctor regularly so he can monitor your treatment and also see if the sleep apnea treatments are causing any side effects. Ongoing care with your doctor is especially important if you're getting continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment with a sleep apnea machine. You may have to adjust to the use of CPAP, if the sleep apnea mask hurts or isn’t working properly your doctor may give you a different sleep apnea device or mask. The CPAP helps alleviate side effects. Weight loss may also relieve your sleep apnea.
Due to the fact that sleep apnea causes you to be drowsy during the day, until you are properly treated, know the dangers of driving or operating heavy machinery. Another precaution, if you are having any surgery let your anesthesiologist know so they can take steps to make sure your airways stay open.
As I stated before people with sleep apnea usually don’t know it and a family member or partner is the first one to notice the signs. They can do the following things to help a loved one who has sleep apnea.
• Tell the person if he or she snores loudly during sleep or has breathing pauses.
• Encourage the person to see a doctor.
• Help the person follow the doctor's treatment for sleep apnea, including CPAP.
• Provide support.
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill
Monday, June 8, 2009
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