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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Music Mimics REM Sleep

Rose knows a long time ago a study showed that there is healing power in sound. Babies fall asleep listening to their mother voices as they sing them a lullaby or tell them a store. Now scientists are making new discoveries to use sounds to help with health problems, emotional issues and REM sleep disorders. They are experimenting to determine exactly how sound affects our health, relieve us from stress and put babies to sleep.

Holographic music is a map of the bodies energetic. Researchers found that certain brainwave frequencies relate to physical, emotional, genetic, and nutritional conditions. They found that listening to frequent energy patterns will support the biological system and help individuals heal themselves. Holographic music will rebalance deficiencies in their biological system.

Through music therapy as an application to affect a positive change to our psychological, physical, mental, or social functioning, holographic music mimics REM sleep and improves general health. Holographic music will help you to fall asleep faster by eliminating the stress in your daily life. You will hear a low hum and each speaker will have a different frequency, when your brain combines them you will become drowsy. Some holographic music contains subliminal messages that contain the following words or phrases:

• I am calm, I relax into deep sleep
• I let go and drift to sleep
• The day is over and I am free
• My mind is at rest, I sleep soundly
• My thoughts easily flow into rest and resolution
• My body relaxes into deep sleep
• Each breath leads me into sleep
• I am safe, I trust the future
• Inner peace fills my sleep
• I accept everything as it is
• I surrender for now
• My mind is free, my body is at rest
• Problems resolve while I sleep
• My dreams are healing and rejuvenating
• I am fulfilled
• I get the rest I need
• I rest in peace and comfort
• I drift safely to sleep
• I feel comfortable in my bed
• I surrender to serenity and peace

Brainwave messages will help slow down mental activity and heighten receptivity to the subliminal messages. Just lie down, relax and shortly you will drift into a deep sleep.

Note: We find that ear-bud headphones are the most comfortable for listening while sleeping.
Sweet Dreams
Rose Sheepskill

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