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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sleep Center

Rose Sheepskin here…usually I do the articles, but my friend Count Narcolepsy owns a sleep center and insisted writing about it. (I will edit it when he is done) His sleep center is just outside of my town of Brasso in Transylvania and its called Narcolepsy Sleep Center. Originality is not one of his strong suits. Not surprisingly the only difference with his sleep center compared to others is his is only open at night. So without further adieu may I present Count Narcolepsy……

Good Evening, tonight I wish to talk about my sleep center, what services we offer and treatments for the sleep impaired. We have specialized sleep labs and clinics to diagnose, treat and support those with sleep disorders. Our clinics provide diagnosis, medical, pharmacological and behavioral treatments and follow-up services integrated with management care.
Some of the sleep disorders we treat are:

• Insomnia …nothing like some nice fresh dirt wouldn’t cure
• Sleep Apnea….Rose has already posted her opinions about this
Restless Legs Syndrome…..I still use the 15th Century bloodletting for this disorder
• Night Terrors……Now if we didn’t have Night Terrors there wouldn’t be any Horror flicks something I am particularly engrossed over. They are sooo entertaining. Ones person’s nightmare is another person’s dream
• Sleepwalking…now if you have a sleepwalker make sure you lock your windows and doors. Wouldn’t want anyone to get out during the night….or anyone in either ????

My center is staffed with pulmonologists, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners and oral specialist. Our services include overnight sleep studies and home studies.
The overnight sleep studies include:

• EEG (electroencephalogram) – monitors brain activity to document sleep stages
• EOG (electrooculogram) – measures eye movement
• EMG (electromyogram) – measures muscle activity for monitoring muscle tone as well as body movement, especially limbs
• EKG (electrocardiogram) – monitors heart activity
• Respiratory Airflow – measures airflow from nose and mouth to document respiratory disturbances
• Respiratory Effort – monitors chest wall and abdominal movement to help determine specific respiratory disturbances
• Pulse oximetry – measures the oxygen saturation level to distinguish changes during respiratory events
• Snoring – monitors vibration of throat to determine snoring episodes (don't say throat!)
• Body Position – monitors the effect of sleep position on sleep and breathing
• Other parameters as determined by physician

During a sleep study, the technologist (or myself) is in constant video and audio contact with the patient, providing a safe, supportive surroundings with minimal apprehension. Our suites have been designed to promote a relaxing atmosphere and a pleasant patient experience without garlic, crosses or stakes. We offer full-size coffins, private bathrooms and a light breakfast (raw meat or fresh road kill) so that patients can undergo a full sleep diagnostic procedure, wake up and start the night with minimal disruption to their unlives.

The home studies are for those with obstructive sleep apnea and they have to meet a certain criteria including coverage from their insurance company. The criteria are as follows (my patients don't meet this criteria, but you might..for now):

• Patients with a high pre-test probability of moderate to severe OSA.
• Patients with no significant co-morbid medical condition. Examples of co-morbid conditions include moderate-severe pulmonary diseases (cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, active asthma, COPD), congestive heart failure and neuromuscular diseases (ALS, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease).
• Patients suspected of having no co-morbid sleep disorder other than OSA.
• Patients unable to be studied in a sleep laboratory.
• To monitor response to non-CPAP treatments after the diagnosis has already been made.
• The AASM recommended that HST is not appropriate for general screening of asymptomatic patients.

The most important and most difficult part of our program at Narcolepsy Sleep Center is the long- term support of employees. Our counselors can quickly resolve any problems to increase the likelihood that patients accept their treatment and learn to successfully manage their sleep disorder, because they have to unlive with them for eternity.

Thanks Count Narcolepsy
Good Evening,
Rose Sheepskill

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